Raising Godly Men Retreat Nov 2024
When: Nov 8-10th, 2024
Where: River Hills Retreat, 11900 AL-160, Hayden, AL 35079 (updated address)
Who: Christian men raising boys (10 and up) & Christian men who have raised boys
Our young men today are being released into a culture that is growingly hostile toward them. They are accused of "toxic masculinity" at every turn. In this environment, our young men need the confidence to know what God says about masculinity and see examples of it in older Godly men. This retreat is designed to create a community of Christian fathers who want to bond with their sons, join a 'tribe of mentors' (older men who have already raised Godly young men), and teach their sons skills that will give them confidence when they strike out on their own.
If your son is 10 or older, this is your opportunity to bond with him, meet other Christian fathers, learn from our elders who have already raised young men, and enjoy God's creation at a beautiful location.
Schedule of events: (subject to change)
Friday evening (6 - 10 PM)
Arrival (between 5-6 PM)
Introductions (ice breakers)
Dinner (chili) & guided discussion
Saturday (football games may be shown all day)​
Morning bible study (with coffee!)
Team building events
Free time (father-son); optional activities include:
Kayaking on the Locust Fork River
Shooting (BB guns and/or bows/arrows)
Sports (football, volleyball, basketball, etc.)
Fishing in the pond or river
Lunch (lunchmeat sandwiches)
Survival skills workshop (i.e., fire starting, knot tying, knife sharpening)​
Free time (father-son)
​Evening discussion/devotional: Navigating by the stars
Campfire: singing, discussion, devotional
Sunday: ​​
Breakfast @ 8 AM
Pack up, depart for worship services
Cost is $50 per person. Includes lodging and food. ​Seats are limited, so purchase tickets here today!​
For more information, or to be notified of future Raising Godly Men events, contact Jeremiah at 205-706-8663 or matt633gfowm@gmail.com.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, contact the event organizer at info@patriot-maker.com.